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Esteemed Architecture Photography Firm Documents ASM HQ Restoration

We are extremely pleased to announce that we have commissioned Esto Photographics to document our restoration of the ASM Headquarters building. Highly regarded for their “Images of Architecture and the Built Enviornment” , Esto was created around the image collection of Ezra Stoller (1915- 2004) who is considered the dean of American architectural photographers. Stoller studied architecture in the 1930s but turned his attention to photography while he was still in school. For nearly 50 years, in the middle decades of the 20th Century, Stoller documented important modern architecture. The strength of this collection remains at the core of Esto even today.

Photographer Jeff Goldberg was chosen as best suited to document the structure. Goldberg trained at RIT and has worked as an Esto affiliate for over 15 years. He received the prestigious AIA Collaborative Achievement Award in 1997. Jeff works closely with architects, and his lively images capture the intent of the designers. Jeff’s well-crafted photographs depict structure, materiality and often include people in action.

In the last few years, Jeff has spent much of his time in Japan and is strongly influenced by Japanese culture and design. With the combined spontaneity and control of digital capture, Jeff Goldberg’s photographs are truly images for the new century. We hope you enjoy his work as much as we do.

Esto Photo Galleries are available both in our portfolio section or on our Facebook. Esto featured this photography project in their web site’s news section.