Congressman Joyce Visits ASM
The Chesler Group hosted a tour of the ASM Complex for US Representative David Joyce this past Friday, September 5, 2014. The Congressman was joined by Mariangela Pfister, (Dept. Head & Deputy SHPO for Technical Preservation Services, State Historic Preservation Office); Amanda Terrell (Director of Ohio’s State Historic Preservation Office at the Ohio History) and Joyce Barrett (Executive Director at Heritage Ohio). The visit highlighted the importance of both the Federal and State Historic tax credit program for historic rehabilitation projects. Michael Chesler emphasized that without the ability to syndicate historic tax credits, the renovation of the ASM Headquarters would not have been financially feasible. ASM had planned to sell the unique Mid-Century masterpiece and move its offices to Chicago – a loss of over 150 jobs for the Ohio region. Therefore, the continued support by Congress of the Federal Historic Tax Credits is critical to preserving America’s history. Recent IRS provisions and rulings have paralyzed the tax credit industry and greatly limited the financial resources needed to complete historic projects.

Michael Chesler, Congressman Joyce and Joyce Barrett (Heritage Ohio).

Congressman Joyce and Michael Chesler enjoy the view into the Mineral Gardens.