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The Chesler Group, Inc. receives 2011 Ohio Historic Preservation Office Award

The Chesler Group along with Dimit Architects are two of the fifteen recipients of 2011 Ohio Historic Preservation Merit Award. This honor is received for the preservation and rehabilitation of the Andrew Jackson house at 277 East mill Street in Akron, OH.

The Preservation Merit Award is for preserving Ohio’s prehistory, history, architecture, or culture. Eligible activities include restoring, rehabilitating, or otherwise preserving an important building or site, longtime stewardship of a property, promoting protective legislation, funding preservation projects, offering leadership, support, or service, and furthering preservation at the local, regional, or state level.

The Chesler Group would like to thank Tom Schock of Schock Development Consulting, Inc. for the nomination.

For more information on 2011 Ohio Historic Preservation Office Awards: